Here are some resources that you can use to support, nurture and challenge the growth of your marriage.
Upcoming Events
Focusing on a Magnificent Marriage for a Lifetime
Give yourself and your spouse the gift of quality time together by attending the "Focusing on a Magnificent Marriage for a Lifetime" retreat to be held at Green Lake Conference Center. All couples are welcome! Those who are happily married, those who want to regroup, those who want to learn helpfull marriage skills or those couples who just want to spend quality time together. This is a program designed by the Diocese of Green Bay and based on the ReFoccus Marriage Enrichment program.
Cost is $200/couple and includes all meals, materials and accommodations.
Friday March 1 - Sunday March 3, 2024: Begins 7:00PM Friday, Ends 3:00PM Sunday / Green Lake Conference Center, Green Lake WI Register Online
Marriage: It Makes a Difference
Resource shows the value of marriage -- especially for the kids and all of society
Download Black & White Flyer Download Color Flyer
A weekend of marriage renewal and dialogue
Green Bay/Fox Valley
Dennis and Sue Amtmann
Phone: (920) 544-5166
A program to help couples in troubled marriages heal and renew their marriage relationship
Milwaukee/Green Bay/Escanaba | Retrouvaille of Milwaukee/Green Bay
Phone: (920-288-2043
Testimonial | One woman's account of how Retrouvaille helped her marriage Read Story
Testimonial | Couple: Retrouvaille saved marriage (NOTE: Sidebar in article is not up to date and contact information should not be used) Read Story
Please visit for upcoming Retrouvaille Weekends.
At Home with Our Faith
Practical ideas on rituals, family prayer, celebrating seasons, and family times. You can also subscribe to monthly family-friendly e-meditations. Excellent resource! Maintained by the Claretians.
For Your Marriage
News and blogs about marriage and family life, including dating, engagement, parenting, issues, and resources. An initiative of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.