Each month, we join with Catholics everywhere in praying for the Holy Father's global intentions, while also lifting up Bishop Ricken's intercessions for the unique needs of our diocese. Together, these prayers unite us in faith and mission, offering a path of hope and grace for our local and global communities.
For a jubilee year of HOPE: May our witness as faithful disciples, draw an anxious world to discover the hope which does not disappoint.
For a reclaiming of Sunday as the Lordʼs Day: May we remove those distractions that make us increasingly less attentive to God in order that we might receive the grace to live the demands of our faith lived to its fullness by keeping Sunday as the day for the Lord.
For a greater appreciation of the Sacrament of Penance: May we, during this Season of Lent, rediscover the beauty of this Sacrament of healing and joy, allowing the Lord to erase our sins, to heal our hearts, and to reveal to us his compassionate mercy.
For Those being Called to the Priesthood: May young men experience a deepening of their faith and trust in God to hear his call and answer YES to serve the Church as priest.
For Families: May the example of the Holy Family strengthen families, to bring the faith to life in the home, by praying together, listening to God in the quiet of their hearts, and serving one another, so as to live as joyful witnesses of the Gospel in our world.
For a greater appreciation of the working of the Holy Spirit in our Lives: May God help us recognize and fully embrace the gifts of the Holy Spirit to live as missionary disciples striving to lead all people to the Kingdom of God.
For our country: May God guide us in faithfully living the values which we proclaim so that all people may experience life, liberty, and justice which the blessing of religious freedom provides.
For our Catholic Schools: May our students live as faithful disciples as they grow in their knowledge and love of God, and may our schools shine forth as beacons of light as they give witness to the Gospel in our society.
For Catechists and all those who hand on the faith: May the Holy Spirit guide their hearts, as they echo the Gospel by word and example so that they may be found as faithful ministers of the truth.
For a greater respect for human life: May the Holy Spirit open our hearts so that we may better appreciate the dignity of God’s gift of life from conception to natural death.
For Religious and Consecrated Life: May God sustain them in their ministry, strengthen them with a spirit of poverty and grant them humility of heart, so that they may be signs of God's faithfulness throughout the world.
For light to reign in a world of darkness: May the Light of the Gospel be a beacon of hope for the world to dispel and the darkness of despair.