
Divine Worship and Sacraments

We aspire to help support prayer and worship come throughout our region, to help you experience the beauty and meaning behind the Mass and sacraments, so they feel uniquely personal, relevant, and powerful. Support local parishes.

"Remain United with Me" - John 14:14

By supporting our local parishes, weʼre committed to fostering active participation in the liturgy. We encourage everyone to respond in love as we come together to worship God.

Whether youʼre at Mass or getting involved with your parish, weʼre here to inspire full, active participation, and connect your faith to a personal encounter with the body of Christ.


Experience the sacred union that
brings love and faith together in

Explore Marriage and Family

Holy Communion

Deepen your faith and connection with Christ through His body and blood.

Become a Eucharistic Minister

Serve your community by sharing the gift of the Eucharist with others.


Celebrate the initiation of new
believers into the family of God.


Embrace the strengthening of your faith and commitment as a disciple of Christ.

Holy Orders

Follow the call to a life of service to God and His people.


Restore your relationship with God through the healing power of His mercy.

Anointing of the Sick

Receive comfort and strength in
challenging times through this
sacrament of healing.

If you donʼt yet have a parish home, find one near you and become part of our vibrant faith collective.

Divine Worship and Sacraments Mission Team

We serve Bishop Ricken and the Diocese by providing liturgical formation and policy as well as coordinate Diocesan and Episcopal liturgies. This office also works to provide liturgical and catechumenal (OCIA) resources and overall support for the liturgical and sacramental life of the parishes and agencies of the Diocese.

Gerard Hall
Divine Worship and Sacraments Mission Team Leader
Phone: 920-272-8311
Green Bay, Wisconsin

Office of Divine Worship

"Remain United with Me" - John 14:14

"The Liturgy is the SUMMIT toward which all activity of the Church is directed; at the same time, it is the FOUNT from which all the Churchʼs power flows." - #10 Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy

"For, although you have no need of our praise, yet our thanksgiving is itself your gift, since our praises add nothing to your greatness, but profit us for salvation, through Christ our Lord." - Common Preface IV

The Office of Divine Worship nurtures and supports the prayer life of the Diocese of Green Bay celebrated in Word and Sacrament. In Addition, the Office fosters continued liturgical renewal which calls for full and active participation in the celebration of the liturgy. We are committed to assist parishes throughout the Diocese, “respond in love to worship and praise God…ˮ by keeping you formed and informed. The Office is dedicated to assist the Faithful of the Diocese of Green Bay celebrate the liturgy that will in turn move us to be one in holiness, drawn into the compelling love of Christ, and set on fire to live out our Baptismal call as members of the mystical Body of Christ.

Eucharistic Holy Hour Guide for Parishes | English

Eucharistic Holy Hour Guide for Parishes | Spanish

Pastoral Instruction - St. Michael the Archangel Prayer

St. Michael the Archangel Prayer Screen Graphic | English

St. Michael the Archangel Prayer Screen Graphic | Spanish

If you need to order more St. Michael the Archangel prayer cards, please contact the Office of Divine Worship. Thank you!

As part of the Discipleship and Parish Life Mission Team, we serve Bishop Ricken and the Diocese by providing liturgical formation and policy as well as coordinate Diocesan and Episcopal liturgies. In collaboration with other curial offices, this office also provides resources and overall support for the liturgical and sacramental life of the parishes and agencies of the Diocese.

Phone: (920) 272-8310 | Fax: (920) 435-1330

Bona Hall
1825 Riverside Drive
Green Bay, WI 54301

Regular diocesan office hours
Monday through Thursday: 7:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday: 7:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 23825
Green Bay, WI 54305-3825

Bishop Mass Preparation Guides

The following are Guides and Forms for parishes and institutions preparing for liturgies with the Most Rev. David L. Ricken, Bishop of Green Bay. Forms should be returned to the Office of Divine Worship no less than 4 weeks in advance for editing and preparations to worship@gbdioc.org.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Divine Worship with any questions at 920-272-8341.

General Mass Guidebook (revised 10/31/2023)

Confirmation Mass Guidebook (revised 10/31/2023)

©2025 Diocese of Green Bay