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Office of the Chancellor

The Office of the Chancellor is responsible for ensuring that the acts of the curia are drawn up and dispatched for safekeeping in the archives. It is further responsible for maintaining diocesan documents and records, and for assisting parishes and diocesan agencies in canonical, liturgical and civil matters.

The Office of the Chancellor includes:

Archives  - CLICK HERE
Safe Environment - CLICK HERE

 Letter of Good Standing Request Form - Priest & Deacons - CLICK HERE


  • Safe Environment

    The Office of Safe Environment is responsible for the overall compliance to the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People which requires employees and volunteers to meet safe environment requirements as required by the Charter. 

    Sexual misconduct by clergy, Church personnel, Church leaders and volunteers is contrary to Christian morals, doctrine and Canon Law. It is never acceptable. We recognize that sexual misconduct may have devastating consequences for the victims and their families, for the Church community, and for the transgressor. 

    While this subject is troubling to all of us, basic information about sexual misconduct in the ministerial setting is needed in order to protect the most vulnerable among us and assure the integrity of ministerial relationships.

    The Diocese of Green Bay pledges its commitment to programs and policies that:

    1. Protect all children, youth, and individuals at risk
    2. Heal the hearts and hopes of all affected
    3. Foster ongoing vigilance in education

    Saint Maria Goretti, patron saint of youth, young women, purity and victims of rape

    When Maria Goretti was just 12 years old, she was brutally attacked by a neighbor who failed in his attempt to rape her, but in his anger he repeatedly stabbed her, left her for dead and fled. The horrific details of this attack speak to the reality already mentioned above about the total lack of love and mercy in the heart of anyone who would abuse another, especially sexually abuse another. This is not an act of lust or even sexual desire. It is an act of anger, a loveless, merciless act of asserting complete dominance over another for self-gratification.

    Maria Goretti brings example for us all to the harsh reality of child sexual abuse. She brings a face to our ongoing efforts to protect the most vulnerable among us, so that we never forget that this is not just a program, not just about compliance. She brings the reality that the fight against evil is a supernatural battle that can only be won by turning for help from supernatural love. Safe Environment is about protecting our children, God’s children, and all individuals at risk. May we do all in our power to prevent physical, emotional and spiritual harm from being inflicted on them so that within our ministries done in the name of Jesus and His Church God’s love and mercy flows ever outward, ever life-giving, and ever life-sustaining.

    Saint Maria Goretti, pray for us.

    Learn more about Saint Maria Goretti, Patron Saint for our Safe Environment Program