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Fr. John W. Girotti is a priest of the Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin. Ordained in 2002, he was a parish priest for many years before earning a degree in Canon Law in 2015. Currently, he serves as Vicar for Canonical Services for the Diocese of Green Bay. He regularly teaches and speaks about the Catholic Faith, helping Catholics and those of other faiths to better understand and to follow the Way of the Lord Jesus. 

The two DVD series listed below are now available for viewing or downloading on Vimeo at no charge.  If you would like to order a DVD set, they are still on sale for those who prefer that hands-on platform. Information about ordering a DVD set is listed below. 

Here are the links to view or download the two series online:

Know Your Faith on Vimeo    |    Live Your Faith on Vimeo

know your faith 1DVD Series: Know Your Faith

  • Description:  Father John Girotti presents his challenging and engaging “Know Your Faith” presentation in DVD format.  “Know Your Faith”, a 15-part series, will enlighten and prepare you to charitably explain and defend the Catholic faith to others.  Chapters include, “The Existence of God and the Human Soul”, “The Bible and Sacred Tradition”, “The Sacraments”, “Mary and the Saints” “Crises and Scandals in the Church”, “Top 10 Reasons to be Catholic” and more.  Filmed live at St. Anthony’s Parish, Tigerton, WI
  • Cost:  $125 (plus $4 each shipping/handling) 
  • To Order by Mail:  Order form attached
  • To Order by Phone (Credit Card Orders Only):  920-272-8309

liveyourfaithcoverDVD Series: Live Your Faith

  • Description: "Live Your Faith" is the newest series from Fr. John Girotti. Building on his original series "Know Your Faith", these 15 presentations trace the journey of Chrisitan discipleship as outlined in parts three and four of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  This set contains 15 DVDs, each 1 hour in length.    pdf Live Your Faith DVD Series order form (538 KB)
  • Cost:  $75 (plus $5 for shipping/handling) and orders may be placed by e-mailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or sending in the order form. 

**Bundle Deal:  Until supplies last, order both DVD sets (“Know Your Faith” and “Live Your Faith”) for only $150 (a $200 value).